Jan 20, 2008

Braille music

Thanks to SpOOky for finding this post by Sprocket over at 4815152342 Forums.

Hey guys, regarding the braille.....

I think it may be a musical clue, or at least I'm not ruling it out.

Braille music.
I've already converted the braille into music, which gives me..
BC-AGCEBA (- being a rest)

I've also converted it into actual music which you can hear here

I know it may be nothing, but the braille gave me EXACTLY the correct number of notes for 2 bars of music... Also the note lengths seem to go in a run of 8th's and are consecutive pairs, which provide a meaningful tune, they don't seem to be completely random.

Just some thoughts and I'll be trying to translate this in a variety of ways since the image may have been mirrored, etc.

Let me know what you think"

Source: Sprocket via SpOOky@4815162342


Taíka said...

Don't Know if it's pertinent...but, here it goes:

In ASCII tab, a muted or unplayed guitar string = X

I noticed that there's an interval when no note is played...

Could it be X???

SpOOky (Mark) said...

I love this post by Sprocket
Great thinking on his part. :)

Sprocket said...

Hehe thanks Spooky :)

Regarding the 'X'...

Music written in braille uses a completely different braille system, entirely seperate to the alpha-numeric one used by most who are decoding it.. to this end, there is no 'X'. The rest you hear is because that particular braille character translated into a rest for that exact note length.

For anyone interested, you can find a braille music chart at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braille_music

I also translated the braille musically as if the image were mirrored horizontally and vertically... it simply didnt work vertically, but the horizontally flipped version can be found at www.ryanleston.com/files/braillehor.mid

Unknown said...

that's cool! It sounds like "you all everybody" to me. LOL, but I think I want to hear that. What were the notes that Charlie had to play in the looking glass?? Any match to them?

Unknown said...

Never mind. I found it, he had to play 19 notes of "Good Vibrations" and the tune is not the same

tdciago said...

This is a shot in the dark,but could it be from Jack's theme, the piano music he played in "The Man from Tallahassee"? It was an original piece by Michael Giacchino. I don't have the Season 3 DVD, but maybe someone can find that scene and compare.

ali said...

I tired figuring out the song on the keypad for my telephone and putting it in as the password for the georgia cavanaugh line, but I couldn't seem to get quite the right tones. None of the combos I used worked

Opium said...

The midi file that's been linked to.... it goes up an octave on the second C for no apparent reason... I'm assuming that's how you read the 6th character? (i.e. the cell 1 only dot). According to that wiki doc, that dot is fingering instruction to use your 1st finger. Maybe you read it as 4th cell? In that case, it would mean "1st octave"... not knowing what octave the previous notes were, that doesnt mean much. You'd assume the 1st octave would be lower than the previous notes though *shrug*

But apart from that... yeah it's interesting how this braile as music 'just happens' to perfectly fit 2 bars...

N. C. Taylor said...

Could the letters in the latest coded e-mail, AABBCFC also be music?

Unknown said...

Shades of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".

Apex Zombie said...

I don't know, it kind of sounded like the theme being played during the "activity" segments.

Unknown said...

Cool! I said I thought it was music too the first night but didn't know what to do with the notes. ;)

thebruce0 said...

Notes were mentioned before (namely by Vanessa, as she just said ;) and I did list off all the notes in detail earlier too.
Specifically, each braille dot set becomes:

B (whole)
C (8th)
rest (8th)
A (8th)
G (8th)
next note octave up *
C (8th) (high C)
E (8th)
B (8th)
A (8th)

* this is a specific character which I believe applies to the next character (C in this case) to raise it +1 octave.

So, to clarify the OP, it's:
BC-AG+CEBA (- is a rest, + raises the C to the next octave, as in from G up to C, not down to C), which makes 10 braille characters

jeremy said...

I think it makes the most sense when you reverse it, as I don't know of any music that begins with a whole note. From my experience (which is incredibly limited), Music is more likely to end with a whole note than begin with one.