hey I was driving on interstate 95 and I saw the billboard, but noticed that there was something written on it! so I exited off the highway and found its exact location, it's in miami on nw 7th ave and opa locka blvd. I couldn't see what it said at the speed i was going on the highway but when I got up close I could see it said find815.com! I was absolutely freaking out and ran home to email it to
your site, I hope by the time you get this it isn't old news.
(Click to Enlarge)

that is GENIUS marketing!
Go Sam!!! Pure marketing and it´s working
pure marketing, would be impossible for someone to make such a big scrap like that. and btw - why miami? any hints?
Are the other billboards intact?
Brilliant marketing strategy!
love love love it . totally marketing, too good to be vandalism . but smart ! so exciting !
Hahahhaha, as I said already - those guys are just CRAZY!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Same in Portland Oregon except the graffiti is in red.
yeah, its marketing. there are not spray paint cans that would make such big lettering.
Great Find!
There is a black dot on the plane underneath airlines, was that there before? There is also a smudge on the O in Oceanic. Could these be zoomed in on the original to see if they are significant?
The F almost looks like an arrow pointing...
oh great, now we really won't be able to load the site.
taz is correct, fraking awesome! I'm really impressed with this years marketing push. It will just be such a pity if it only runs the 8 episodes.
Goood stuff here. Pulling out all the stops I see! :)
Havoc, you are so right...lol
I am exited too... but... mmm, this is a problem for the timeline. This means that Sam its in our time. So the plane didnt apear still in 2008. How could Naomy and Cooper say that the plane was found if that didnt happend in december 2004. (naomi could be explained... but cooper?)
It was established in previous posts that Sam's storieline has to be runing just months after the crash to give coherence to the full storielines (Lost the show, TLE, and Find815)
How about the fact that Naomi could've been privy to the sundra trench information beforehand in order to confuse the losties?
omg...bwwahaha...sooo nice...
so the day after finding every BB...they get vandalized....nice marketing... :)
i wonder if the one in L has it...i can not imagine all of the folk on sunset looking at a HUGE @$$ BB with graffiti....i think the city would have it removed...lol...
theres one in my city except it has 2girls1cup.com sprayed on it
Deffo not vandalism, sign a bit high!
Or it could be an overly obsessed fan >looks suspiciously at everyone< hahah!
If people can get piccies of the other vandalised signs thtd b awesome!
they pay for the advertisisng space, so what are they supposed to do? Removing it would be a breach of contract. I guess there are worse things that could be advertised there. If they complain tell em to give me a call so i can tell em to get a f`n grip xD....hmmm phill is right about the "pity if it only runs 8 episodes".
I guess its a good way of actually showing support to the WGA not to resign but to push the show even more, people have to expand the pressure on the Networks and Movie Companys. We have to make clear that the Audience are the poeple who control the network and that we want our damn shows back on the air. I think we all should send em letters every week complaining about our favorite Shows not being on the air for ANOTHER week...hmm...i just got myself a funny little idea right there...
You say every week, I say everyday :)
Shawkshank Redemption anyone? :)
Tustin vandalized too
Marketing at its best, lol.
The Knoxville BB has been "vandalized" as well. It's up at Oceanic-Conspiracies.
Were we not supposed to have known about Find815.com until they put it up on the BBs??? :o)
i was driving in ames today on my way to work and the billboard here in ames, iowa is the same. though you can really read what it says because its on a smaller billboard then the others.
black spray paint. find815.com.
flippin sweet.
Knoxville has been vandalize, too:
I didn't take this, but here is the Portland one.
I have to be honest. If one of the BB were in my city and I saw that- I would have caused an accident from freaking out. GENIUS! I can't wait for what will happen next.
it is spray paint.
The black looked fake but the red looks like spraypaint. Which they are all spraypaint. it would cost so much to do another billboard.
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