Putting the number into phonespell.org, gives this:
0-a-0-swim-08-we or 0-a-0-swim-08-ye
I'm figuring the zeroes are to indicate a break in the code.Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something.
Update: 11:10 For those wanting to try this number from outside the UK you need to dial the following
From non-UK dial: +44 207 946 0893
From the UK dial: 020 7946 0893

It seems like Penny's Phone Number from the clue hunt is a dummy number setup for the game. Numbers have played key parts to the game, could they mean something else...?? Another coordinate or just another number??
Once again thanks to everyone that sent this info in....including Elpaw and MD for the heads up.
The phone number you get when entering the codeword is fake, the UK equivalent of 555 in the US. The numbers 020 7946 0000 to 020 7946 0999 are assigned for Drama purposes.
WOW good catch! Bummer though...
I called the number and It is excepted untill you Dial 8
0207946 0 (the no-number report comes when you try to enter) 893
does it work for the mailbox 81?
Well, maybe the number IS fake, and it was just supposed to show us that Sam and/or the Christiane I and/or Oscar Talbot has a connection with Penny.
maybe its clue like in da vince code.. a anagram of some sort.. o maybe this will be inputed in somewhere in the site!
With enough money and determination you can find anyone, however it does not necessarily mean people can find you... as Penny has now made clear.
what is a drama purpose? i'm not familiar with the word and the website does not tell it either...
020- is the "no charge"-phonenumbers in Sweden. However, nothing happens when I try to call it.
Or "something" happens... It says "the number you are trying to dial is not avaliable from this phone"
One question is what is that book/paper that the text is written on? I guess Sam or someone else in the game is supposed to or has already called the number to reach Penny. But which book/paper they have found that contains this text and phone number? Is it the book (Catch-22) that Naomi had on her when she landed on the Island or what?
Tried to call the number again from a regular phone (not a cell) and now I got somewhere. It said:
"You have reached a non working number at Morgan Stanley. Please call the main number at 2127614000"
That number goes to Morgan Stanley Capital Trust in New York.
But I have no idea if this means something...
I don't know where to ask this question.
Does anyone know who oversees this ARG? Do the writers plan this whole game? Just curious.
Wow, if Morgan Stanley is getting involved with this, I'll be shocked. LOST has its fingers everywhere!
from how the number is written, and that penny is from london, means the number is a london number. 020 7, specifically, is a central london number. it is also a 'drama' number, like the fake 555 US numbers used specifically for dramatical purposes i.e. movies, TV series, music lyrics, etc.
the paper it's written on, i'd commented on earlier but no one else left any comments under the Chapter 2: Complete Screencap of Sam's Room....
In reverse....The Brothers Karamazov. A russian book, russian author, completed in 1880. Was meant to be part of a series but the author died a few months after it was published. google it, it's quite interesting.
the paper said "If found..." ... i think we need something else to complete that number...
if you google the phone number, just as it is written with no spaces. the first hit is rather odd, very conspiracy like. try it . .you'll see what I mean
Has anybody found something on the address, which is the password for the clue?
I've checked some cities like London, Knightsbridge and Sydney but there is no such address.
a Cheyenne Walk is an helicopter
Did anybody notice that the 2 in the phone number looks very odd, all the rest of the numbers are of similar height but the 2 is definately out of place. I would of said the same about the 3 but that is at the end of the page so it could understandable to squeeze that last number in. But what happens if the 2 and 3 are switched? But i honestly do not believe it is a phone number.
Yeah, you're right the 2 and 3 do look smaller. I was wondering the same as jyrki. Where are we supposed to be assuming that this number is written on? I mean, sure we found it by entering a clueword, but where did Sam find it, and why? Also, what was lost that it would be written on? WIERD!!!
In case no one has answered you Atilla, in this case drama simply refers to tv shows and movies. This way they can use phone numbers in movies and not have the owner of the number receive 1000s of calls wondering if the main character lives there :P Usually I would associate drama with acing/plays.
i think my comment was deleted?
020 is not the country code for australia, australia's country code is 61
only watching the game so ignore me if I'm wrong...
But can you dial on sam's phone? Maybe you're supposed to call the number on his phone not yours?
Here's the answer everyone. A genuis on the LOSTPEDIA forums posted this:
Okay check this out! If we assume that 020 7946 0893 is actually coordinates, not a phone number, and it's really 02.07 94.60893, then we add to it the highlighted numbers from Sam's email, which are -11.1784. Put them together we get 02.07 94.60893 -11.1784. If you enter that into this coordinate converter, http://boulter.com/gps/, you get a location around the northern part of Sundra Trench! It converts into Latitude 8.5768, Longitude 93.1863. If you put those into the Mapquest Coordinate finder, http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp...gitude=93.1863 you can get a better look. It's in the Andaan Sea (similar to Abaddon), and close to Jack's Phuket!
Thank you phoenixautumn for being so smart!
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