Thanks to DarkUFO reader Martha for the following.
I work in Ames and nearly drove off the road this morning when I saw this billboard. Was very surprised to see the Oceanic 'press release' listing Ames after checking out Lostpedia (I probably would have noticed the billboard sooner if I hadn't been out of town for the holidays). Now we know where Kate is from (many of us here in Iowa have wondered exactly where Kate was from...Sioux City is mentioned, we figured the hospital scenes would depict Iowa City, yet the small town with the diner could be anywhere in the state--though Ames, a university town, really doesn't fit the diner kind of town description. Perhaps she is from a really small town outside of Ames).
Anyway, I have attached two pictures of the billboard. I love the "Lose yourself in London" tagline, though who knows what the heck that means. You are welcome to put them on your site if you don't have any others.
Martha Eliane, A LOST fan in Iowa
(Click to Enlarge)
Source: Martha Eliane@DarkUFO
It's 8:15 in there ;)
damn, i thought i was gonna be the first to notice! :P
This may have already been brought up, as I'm late getting in on this due to the hollidays.
I wonder if the locations in the billboards are relevant. Seoul, Berlin and now London?
I hope so
There's got to be a Billboard in each of the nine cities listed in the press release.
There are also nine character's listed in Sam's manifest journal. Maybe there's a connection:
Los Angeles, CA - Jack
Tustin, CA - Locke/Hurely
Ames, IA - Kate
Miami, FL - Kate
New York, NY - ?
Portland, OR - Locke
Knoxville, TN - Sawyer
Seoul, South Korea - Jin/Sun
Sydney, Australia - Caire
Don't know how Sayid would fit.
good spot, maybe that means we have to look for something related to where Sayid is from
Seoul being a location of a billboard and a destination listed within a billboard.
The Portland Billboard has Seoul as a destination
The Tustin Billboard has Berlin as a destination
The Ames Billboard has London as a destination
What character could have a background in or ties in Berlin?
London could be Charlie
I think I'm going to have to get some reading glasses, I saw 3:40. It looks like the big hand is on the 8 and the little on the 3, not the other way around.
How frustrating it must be to have invested all this effort in to hyping a new season of a television show, only to see it likely cut in half because of the writers' strike. Not casting blame on anyone, just stating a thought.
Wasn't the maxwell group website logo set up like a clock, from one too tweleve? Could this be a clue??? 8 matches up to 240 degrees while 3 (or 15 minutes) matches up to 90 degrees. Maybe I'm just reaching for something here, but you never know with these things.
240 / 8 = 30
90 / 3 = 30
and 360 / 12 = 30
if you match up any number on a compass dial and divide it with it's analog clock counterpart, it will always be 30, as the numbers on the clock are at 30 degree intervals. but nice try.
I am seeing this billboard as telling us that our final desintation will be london. Do any of the other billboard contain any clues like this?
when we put them all together do we get a greater message?
maybe we can get pictures of all of them and try to put them together?
Without putting any spoilers here. well is there not a connection between a certain character and Berlin in season 4 spoilers? Or Germany at least? Not sure if I am correct on this. But i will investigate. To the batmobile...
Our agent in the field has contacted local billboard agencies and propagated the Knoxville billboards secret location from them.
I should have the satellite linkup by early morning and will transmit immediately upon receipt.
I've driven over 100 miles on most of the major billboarded highways in Knoxville (including near the airport) and come up with zilch. :-p Still have a few more to cover though.
To me it looks like the big hand is on 8 and the small one on three...
We have its location, but the Knoxville board is not yet revealed. This hints that it may contain a clue. We have the site monitored 24/7 and will upload photos as soon as we see activity.
Thanks J8654793120 appreciate the updates.
I've been somewhat obsessively lurking around this site since New Years.
Anyways, I live in Tustin and haven't seen the billboard yet. Cody, can you tell me what street it's on?
I live in Knoxville, so I'm very eager to find out where the billboard is going to be
@sbennies99 it's on 17th just before you go over the 55 heading west.
Martha Eliane...
"A man could lose himself in London"
- Billy Liar!
k-mo - Saw the billboard on my way home shortly after I posted that. Thanks for the heads up.
Martha Eliane,
I just recently graduated from ISU. Could you tell me what street the billboard is on? I would like to tell my friends back in Ames about it .
orion33185: The billboard in Ames is located on South Duff. If you are going north on S. Duff, it is just past the Red Lobster on the left.
Martha Eline,
I know exactly where that is at!
Also interesting is the address for the Ames billboard is 815 south duff.
Wonder if 815 is part of the address of other locales.
Local press coverage http://www.zwire.com/site/tab1.asp?brd=2700
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