Jan 8, 2008

Find 815 on Google Earth

Thanks to hawk eye peirce for the following speculation with some Google Earth images.

I was looking at Google Earth today, and I typed in "find 815" and I found quite a bit of information! for starters the location of the billboards is charted and so is the Sunda trench info along with where the flight courses of 815 were and where the losties might of crashed this is worth looking at. here are some screen caps.

(Click to Enlarge)


Anonymous said...

i didnt get any of that when i typed it in :-/

WOLARSEN said...

the number -11.1784 is coordinates the question is what is the other coordinates

WOLARSEN said...

type -11.1784,100 and above in google earth and see what are the results

blandestk said...

you have to type Find815 with no spaces. i don't know how google earth works; can anyone enter information or does it have to be an actual business?

LostSto said...

I've been meaning to try this, thanks for the heads up!

PitchforkJesus said...

I had done a similar thing last year during s3 with the flight path.


I took what I thought would be the flight path, where they would turn back to land in Fiji and a thousand miles off course as the pilot had said. None of this could place the plane anywhere remotely near Bali or the Sunda Trench.

Unknown said...

That is simply AMAZING!!!!!

Thanks so much. dunno what it means, but it's cool