This is a scene from Cloverfield, J.J Abrams new upcoming film. As was previously mentioned in the comments, the ghost image looks very much like a scene from cloverfield where the statue of liberty head is laying the street. I think very much so and thanks to iadmitimcrazy for pointing this out.

Great find guys!
WOW!! nice find.. good job both of you
Good, but what exactly does it mean.
Is it a connection between the world of lost, and cloverfield?
Or is it simply an advertising ploy for cloverfield.
The problem is if it is advertising, well, its not very obvious. So not really good advertising. So, that leaves the other option. I myself, don't really think there is a connection between the two, besides JJ Abrams of course.
well phill, i've been asking that question to no avail over the last couple hours. Still pretty cool.
We still have the fact that the ring box says Manhattan too, thats a pretty straight forward connection.
i like what your saying phill, but i think it is a plug for Cloverfield. They know most of us hardcore ARG fans will go over videos and pictures with extra fine tooth-combs, and if we make the connection then boom...promotion. And if we see it, it's bound to be pasted on a load of Lost fan sites, so even more promotion. Those Lost fellows are relying on word of mouth for this film, and this just helps it along even more.
I think that they are saying: "guys, go watching Cloverfield" (promotion), but also "and if you go you'll find something helpful for this ARG". Don't know what, but maybe some connection to maxwell group (password?). Remember that LOST production made also "useless" billboards (at least for people who doesn't watch LOST). Maybe we'll find some easter eggs in the motion picture.
I don't really know, but I think it'll cool (remember the ending credits of Mission Impossible III?)
Awsome Find whoever linked the cloverfield frame.
Great Observation. Salute :)
That a really awesome find. Congrats to all involved.
All the credit must go to Iadmitimcrazy who spotted this and i have just posted this as a main post.
the trailer(s) containing that image can be found here for those that are intrested
i reallly reallly really really want there to be a connection between lost and cloverfield . really really bad .
great find! I was already planning on seeing Cloverfield. Now I wonder how many times all of will go and watch cloverfield?
did you notice Cloverfield is with bad robot just like lost is? just thought there might be a connection there too.
they may do a minor connection between the two for promotional reasons nothing major
they know lost fans will be into this and thats why they advertising it this way,might even be a subliminal clip,i don't like
This is just a subliminal message, to make us go to his film. ;)
People on the freighter capture "The Monster" bring it to NY, where it escapes..and becomes "TheMonster" of Cloverfield.;)
you guys are looking way too deep into this...dont you know good advertising when you see it?
I'm not too happy about the idea that there may be clues for Find815 in Cloverfield, because the movie is out next month in my country, as well as in other countries, so I think it's just advertising, nothing more.
Very clever Iadmitimcrazy who found the link though!
What about the distortions in the trailer they show on ABC for the movie Cloverfield? Do you think there are any hidden images in there for LOST?
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