Darwin Duck, a sysop over at the Portuguese version of Lostpedia sent in video and images from Chapter 4.
If you want to play the game on your own then it's highly recommended that you do not view the following video/images. That also goes for the comments for this post. Please keep anything you discuss there ONLY (that includes not mentioning details in the chat room please.) Thanks :)
(I've kept the tags brief as not to reveal the nature of the content)
Source: Darwin Duck
Wow! All of those videos were in the source code already? Somebody enter those coordinates into google earth! :P
Was the long the same as was speculated on here?
Clearly the images are for the Season 1 (Vincent), Season 2 (Swan) and Season 3 (Naomi/parachutist) clues in the clue hunt.
Which makes the Santa Rosa pill box the clue for Season 4 ......
what's with the stego "u hax!" image? just for laughs? i'd laugh if that was the actual hidden image :P
This is prob nothing but that image of all the dharma food from the swan has been seen before in a website someone found the other day that talked about steg, morse code and other little things that tie in with this game. Have a look, you have to scroll down a little...http://codenameinsight.blogspot.com/
There is also talk in it about passwords and hacking and look at whwn the blogs were published.
Wonder whats that thing that appears on the sea
I dunno... do we reeeeally wanna give this dude any attention:
"Have an emergency fund. It may look something like this: $500 stashed in various places in your car, $10,000 stashed in your home (in fire proof safes), and $100,000 in various banks. Absolutely no one should know about your emergency fund as this makes you a target. Find a way to provide this info to your significant other in the event of your demise and not a moment before.
Act as if a job loss, loss of a spouse, or natural disaster is imminent and prepare accordingly. Your home should be fully stocked (food, supplies) to the point that you could technically go six months to a year without having to go to the store if necessary. Make sure all of your important documents are where you can find them at a moments notice, prepare your will, gather all of your financial documents and organize them accordingly, etc." - codename insight
He seems a bit high strung huh? maybe susssssssspicously high strung? Probably not :D
lol, yeah i know but look at DPT Communications and stockpiling 101. There are definte ties there.
please let it be michael and walt's boat....that would be such a good tie -in
I sure hope we get more e-mails and websites in chapter 4 than in chapter 3!
ı found something maybe unimportant
The lights on the horizon look like aurora boreallis, down to the color. They are green most of the time and they have a direct connection with magnetism.
audcityk -- looks like an aurora to me too. The weird thing is that it's not far up in the sky (as they always are).
anyone else notice all the clue pictures are stego encrypted .png files?
hmmmm.... "Wrong Header: Image does not contain embedded data"
just more mind games i guess
at the end of the video with a success, there is a code (or something) in the bottom right that is flashed after the music cuts out of the scene.
can anyone lock on it?
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