Mar 28, 2008

Find 815 Coming Back?

Thanks to the 20+ people who have emailed me to inform me that the The Find815 site has been updated. Could the ARG be coming back?


Unknown said...

That would be great!

It was very well made before, really looking forward to it!

Gavin Jones KY said...

If it is coming back, that Maxwell Group site better be of use.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell Group site has been down for a few days now. I wonder if they're redoing something with it, or discontinuing it.

H V Eeghen said...

anyone knows what means "websidestory"? its on the font code of

The html code of the page has a lot of instructions (that i can't understand) just to put 1 jpg file.

jantje_lover said...

23rd of february is interesting. In the show it's only just christmas. Maybe it'll be a diary that gets regular updates and then in a few days the Oceanic Six show up.

Unknown said...

That would be Awesome!!!, and woubd be good if they give us the pasword for the maxwell website.. maybe even thought we finished the game and t we found the Flight 815 sam never gived up, me too, id like to know what happend with the Christian i dont you?

Joern said...

I dont believe this, its 3 am in the morning, i cannot sleep , i come here just cause i type down some urls out of boredomness and BAM! theres the first update in months. Call me paranoid but this show is haunting me...oh and i saw a feature about Black Hole Testing Facilities in Germany!?(not sure if its located here but the Scientist spoke German)..coincedence? ;) Anyways, having more open questions of the game resolved would be AWESOME, even better if they can tie it in with the current storyline...

WittyNickname said...

websidestory is a web site counter/tracker used by advertisers et. al. to monitor/track web traffic.

adore said...

I can't go in further on . I could only reach to the page that you display on this post, and I have no idea where to click in order to proceed. Am I losing something here? Please guide.