There are more ghostly images in the video. They show (possibly) some sort of building, and a pole. This is right at the end, as Sam is standing up.

I also attach an animation, earlier in the video as Sam is holding the wedding ring, with the same ghostly image superposed

Source: SpoilerTV
answer right here:
it's an exact frame from cloverfield. the statue of liberty's head as the streetlight falls near it.
Holy Crap you're totally right!
WTF! does this mean?? WOW! or it could be a cheap move to get the Lost fans to Cloverfield... not that we weren't going already...
WOW!! How did you see THAT!!
Sam will be drinking a Slusho! in the next diary!
Implant :)
yeah, Shamballa108 that does seems to be the most logical answer. It wouldn't make too much sense to tie the two together, just wishful thinking i suppose.
Poor Sam. He got one in the forehead too.
anyone think maybe we might find a clue in cloverfield?? when does it come out??
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