Good Evening everyone, since we always have such infamous chat sessions around this site i thought its time to share one of our main subjects for tonight with everyone:
Is James Maxwell in fact Jacob himself?
Dont mistake this montage, so generously put together and delivered by our fellow User xENigMax, for a definite proof since we all know that jacob was portrayed by a crew member in Season 3, but the discussion is very well alive and ill add more information as the chat prgresses and i check my Chat Log for interesting parts that already have been pointed out to add them here for firing your ARG-Thirst only a couple of minutes close to the next update.
Cheers for now.
Could be :O
there's a good possibility that this is correct. Everyone is speculating that Christian Shepherd is Jacob, but based on the figure we saw in Season 3 in the cabin, there is no way (unless Jacob changes form (ala the Smoke Monster).
Good stuff!
Well, I can't imagine how much I've waited for someone posting this.. :)
Anyway, my first vote for Jacob's identity is Magnus Hanso, but Maxwell is 2nd place!
Yeah...this could probably be a coincidence, but the trickiest part came out while i was working on the pics: is it a coincidence that the only frame in which Jacob appears in 3 seasons has almost exactly the same shape of the most famous Maxwell picture????
I swear I used only a bit of "rotate" and "scale", and then I only change the opacity to make it more visible for everyone!
........it's your choice! :P
id say he is. everything seems to leads to that conclusion. And of what we have seen of Jacob. He's looks very very alike
It is either This guy or Christian Shepherd...
No it's not. LOST Writers not involved in ARG, the Jacob guy was just a producer standing in.
It's true that Jacob was played by just some crew member, but damn, if there isn't a serious likeness right there! The shapes of their faces... damn. Could it be that they thought of this beforehand? I kind of doubt it, but MAYBE.
Usually I'd rule out something like this without much pondering, but the likeness is just so huge.
Jacob's was played by a crew member, this is right but...do you guys expect the writers to find the real Maxwell for that porpouse?? That's a bit hard! :)
Lost writers don't "cheat," so I seriously doubt that Jacob is Christian Shepherd. I think the trailer for Season 4 is just being tricky. There's no way they'd give away something like that on a trailer video that is so obvious to everyone.
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