Jan 8, 2008

More 'vandalized' billboards *UPDATED*

Update2: Ames Bilboard vandalized picture (thx to Nicole, DarkUFO reader)

Update: Just found Portland's BB vandalized pic in flickr, thx to Squid Vicious for posting ;)

Original Post:
Apparently most of the billboards found during the past week have been "vandalized" with the writings: "find815.com" on them!
Nice way to publicize more???

here's the knoxville bb, thx to Dave a DocArzt reader

There are also rumors of the Tustin and LA bb... if anyone got pictures, please send us :)
*email DarkUFo or me (pauinha6@yahoo.com) *


Jrcaporal said...


But, how the heck they did that???

Anybody must have seen the people who change the ad, or did they sprayed it on it?

Paula said...

just sprayed it on!!! its visible in the Portland BB... :)

Tiffany T. said...

Is it just me or does it look like the dot on the "i" is an arrow pointing at the center of the "O" in Oceanic? I cant enlarge it enough to tell for sure...

Capcom said...

Nice pic Dave in Knoxville! :-)

Can't be sprayed on in Knox, I don't think. It's waaaaaay to high.