Update: 20:15 Just added another version from Paolo at the end.
Thanks to Fabio for the following.
I downloaded the logo from www.the-maxwell-group.com and while I was playing adjusting levels and contrast in photoshop, I discovered a "snake in a circle" hidden on the center of the logo. Maybe it could be a clue but I don't know for sure.
(Click to Enlarge)
Source: The Maxwell-Group
Nice find Fabio
Is it also worth noting that in the compass, East and West are reversed?
A "Snake in the Mailbox" maybe?
That looks just like the Oceanic logo to me.
Is it worth noting that the "compass" logo also is numbered from 1-12 like a clock?
No offense but it doesnt look like the Oceanic Logo at all since the mentioned logo contains of a closed cirlce and a dot in the middle. I think its more likely just a swirl to add some structure to the compass.
Im thinking about the reversed East and West though.
this probably has nothing to do with the maxwell group.. but i found it interesting according to wikipedia, Maxwell's equations are a set of four equations of electromagnetism that describe the interrelationship between electric field, magnetic field, electric charge, and electric current. These equations were also derived from english professor of physics, Michael Faraday. (similar to the rumored role of Jeremy Davies charcter Daniel Faraday)...
I think its the ouriburos symbol (the one who mrs. Hawkins wears when talk to desmond about time fatalities).
Looks like the Oceanic symbol to me.
This snake is coiled while an ouroboros is represented by a snake eating its tail and forming a circle, but I certainly thought of Ms. Hawking when I saw it, too.
i dont know if its worth mentioning but on the compass the degrees always add up 30 degrees except from 1 to 2 (adds 45) and 2 to 3(adds 15).
I was thinking it looks like the Ouroboros Ms Hawking wears in Desmonds flash, normally an Ouroboros is a snake swallowing its tale, but hers was a curled snake avoiding eating its tale.
The Ouroboros is a symbol of circlical cycles of time, and that time loops, we at LP thought the broken loop meant Ms Hawking was "not a fool in the eyes of time and space", she was not held to the traditional rule of a single unedited timeline.
This could all somehow be connected, just thought Id throw it out here for the time being.
Actually, in the close up it kinda looks like an "@"symbol. Could they be trying to get us to email something random, like "compass@the-maxwell-group.com" ?
hmmm... maybe. Give it a go
and when smthng on site loads you can also see the compass and spinning arrow like on cloak
I think it's just a prop swirl. It's common to see it on jet engine intakes.
Have anyone notice that when you just pass the mouse on the maxwell group link on the e-mail at Sam's Laptop, it plays an strange sound? Seems like someone saying something, but I could`nt get what was it.
Remember that in the instructions to this chapter the hint was "Look AND Listen".
John Locke followed a compass bearing of 305, after having a moment with the carvings on Mr. Eko's stick (to find the others' camp). I do not have the best programs to play with the images. Someone want to check that out?
Has anyone noticed that the E and W on the compass are switched? any significance?
I think all you already know it is not a custom picture for this game, right?
It seems to be a picture from a vendor. Exactly as it is sold, in fact the snake is a watermark from the vendor.
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