EDIT: here is the picture from the top of Amelia's website, thx to ohlinski

We have a new website: about Amelia Earhart!!

at the bottom of the page, there are 3 unloaded images, as usual....
and more info on the Earhart transmission on Sam's emails:
- Sent email to a Broadcasting Authority about the Earhart transmission he heard on the radio

-response from the Broadcasting authority:

I've got screencaps for the emails. I'll post them in a minute
already done...
must have been uploading them when you were posting this....
drat! That's okay. I'm glad I double checked before I posted mine.
He also got one from Traci about the Black Rock. I'll post that lol.
I think Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan are the Island's "Adam & Eve", like Kate or Jack said in the first season.
there is another email about the "black rock"
sorry peeps, i was "glue-ing" it together, so you could see it all and not in 2 parts... it's up now... sorry for the delay on that one....
hipster, sorry... i know what it's like to have the trouble for nothing...
we should get on MSN or YIM or something to be sure we're not all doing the same stuff.... wanna add me?
img 2
there's also a message fro his mum.
a new web side
Uh-oh. I suspect this video camera glitch means Tracey can't be trusted.
interesting how as they get closer to the island sam's electronics mysteriously begin to not work...
...same electromagnetic pulses as our lost island?
its the company that Tracey metionds on the email from the black rock
Here's a larger image of the photo on the new web site:
the glitches on Sam's camera are probably due to the eleactromagnetic disurbances that are known to exist on the trench...
Paula- I don't use either of those...I've got Aim.
You know what my problem was? Bitmap files are like 20 times as big as jpeg files lol. It was taking forever to upload and then it actually like screwed up the image.
that sucks hipster!!!
i had some problems with imgs loading too, so i use jpeg, easier lol
but i do think we should ALL IM, somehow LOL, i had the same "prob" yesterday, i made this HUGE post and when i was hitting publish i decided to check and ODI had just posted LOL
i have YIm, MSN, skype, gtalk... anythink compatible there???
btw, email me, pauinha6@yahoo.com, it's easier than chating here ;)
Hah, the ODI is fast! I'll shoot you an email
just a thought here, but i think this post is gonna have A LOT of comments. Maybe break it up into "Earhart Emails and Website" and "Black Rock Email and Website"?
Allied Copenhagen Marine Merchants! Straight out of the first Lost Experience. In 1950, the Hanso group bought the East Ocean Trade Company and renamed it. When Rachel Blake was investigating this shipping arm of the Hanso Foundation, she found out Thomas Mittlewerk had a contract with Paik Heavy Industries to manufacture a modified ship (Blake's Copenhagen 04 blog entry).
Not a bad idea monk.....
Wait where did you find this website in this game? It sounds like someone found a website from TLE and thought it was for this.
I deleted my post to not add to the confusion... looks like alliedcopenhagenmarinemerchants.com is fake according to lostpedia. I should have known by the ridiculously long domain name. :)
thanks =) should make it easier to follow now Thanks Again =)
the find815 Amelia web page attributes her to being born in in 'Atchinson' KS...when googling Amelia I get 'Atchison' KS....may be a typo, but...
...of course i played around for anagrams...
and got 'canon sh*t' ;)
I agree that "Adam & Eve" are Amelia Earhart and Frank Noonan. Their bodies were discovered in the cave. HAS TO BE THEM!
Part of Source-code: content="Find Out Pedia We Know It All"
I'm not sure how you guys come up with the anagrams, but have you tried running it for "Phil Alston", the name at the end of the e-mail? Maybe you have and I just didn't see it.
Phil Alston = Ship Not All...among others...wordsmith.org ;)
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