Ourmutualfriend42 has just logged onto the chat and said only "Carpe Diem" then left. This was when we were talking about the steg pic and steganography. Now the Latin term "Carpe Diem" roughly translates to "Seize the Day" or "Harvest the Day". However, The phrase "Carpe Diem" was first noted in a Latin poem by "Horrace" - We have a Horrace in Lost don't we?Carpe Diem Wiki - Read this poem (it has an English translation) and see if anyone can spot any clue maybe?
Can anyone adjust the colour levels in the pic to change it to red, as the phrase Carpe Diem is also an anagram for "A red pic me"
UPDATE: Sawyer, sorry, i meant the pic of the Steg. sorry to mislead you.
Thanks to Sawyer840 for the image.
Thanks to Sawyer840 for the meaning of Carp Diem
Usually translated from the Latin as 'seize the day', or sometimes as 'enjoy the day, pluck the day when it is ripe'.
Origin The origin source for the Latin phrase is Horace - in Odes Book I:
Dum loquimur, fugerit invida Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
which translates as:
While we're talking, envious time is fleeing: seize the day, put no trust in the future
Lord Byron was the first to integrate it into English in his 1817 'Letters', which was published in 1830 by T. Moore:
"I never anticipate, - carpe diem - the past at least is one's own, which is one reason for making sure of the present."
Byron's use of a quotation from Horace isn't surprising as the poet published 'Hints from Horace' just a few years earlier, in 1811.
You're kidding, right? First the banners for the site make a news item, now somebody giving a common latin salutation in the chat room is news worthy? The fluff factor is getting out of control.
You seem to be very misinformed. This post if you had bothered to the the post below would have told you that they have revealed lots of info. If you dont like the site just leave. There are lots of us here who enjoy all the posts, fun and speculation and I actually liked the banners I I use them on my livejournal site.
Maybe you should try to be more informed in future?
the only reason this was posted was because it was from ourmutualfriend42...or someone impersonating him... like i said, probably has nothing to with the game and just over analysing.
anyone can post under omf42 and lead everyone a merry dance...thats not the point..this is not the 1st time artz has posted his 'wisdom' about people speculating..
I agree in principle with Doc, and its my post....it might be a wild goose chase, however, isnt that the fun? exploring whats real and whats not, and trying to find clues? This site is the most varied and fun site, and i appreciate the comments guys...thanks!
Just because you can post as him doesn't mean that it ISN'T him posting. I'm not saying it's a clue, but it could be. you never know.
Why are people getting so mad about speculation? That's what lost is all about. Somtimes things are clues, sometimes they're not. Whatever, everybody needs to chill out.
Of course we know "Our Mutual Friend" because it has some importance for Desmond: http://lostpedia.com/wiki/Our_Mutual_Friend
if you want to check on page 42 than it is probably in the last installment, since the last installment had the double amount of pages and all the previous 18 installments had 32 pages. The book is actually on Project Gutenberg for free but there are no pagenumbers.
I have fun reading all the speculation posts on here, but I have to agree with Doc on this one. If this was some chat where you had to register a screen name, and the screen name was registered by some official address from the ARG, it would be different!
You're kidding, right? First the banners for the site make a news item, now somebody giving a common latin salutation in the chat room is news worthy? The fluff factor is getting out of control.
You seem to be very misinformed. This post if you had bothered to the the post below would have told you that they have revealed lots of info. If you dont like the site just leave. There are lots of us here who enjoy all the posts, fun and speculation and I actually liked the banners I I use them on my livejournal site.
Maybe you should try to be more informed in future?
the only reason this was posted was because it was from ourmutualfriend42...or someone impersonating him... like i said, probably has nothing to with the game and just over analysing.
thanks Jenny...appreciate that
hey doc..posting spoilers isnt much fun either..then again i know everything lost has to be approved by you first..
I think Doc's point was it's very unlikely that "Carpe Diem" is a clue, even though it came from someone claiming to be OurMutualFriend42.
I applaud those who found the stegosaurus picture and related material, but this particular item may be a case of wishful thinking.
looks like poor docarzt is jealous that there are more people here having fun that on his site
by the looks of things there are already more comments on this post than on any of his posts
why cant you just stick to your own site rather than trying to rubbish other peoples
i like this site becuase it is so varied and has lots of people and new ideas so waht if they are not 100% accurate who cares. its meant to be fun.
Very unnecessary post docarzt!
Try reading some other posts before blowing off. I appreciate all the hard work that dark and his team are doing.
You should be ashamed of yourself coming to someone else's site.
Go back to your empty site.
anyone can post under omf42 and lead everyone a merry dance...thats not the point..this is not the 1st time artz has posted his 'wisdom' about people speculating..
I agree in principle with Doc, and its my post....it might be a wild goose chase, however, isnt that the fun? exploring whats real and whats not, and trying to find clues? This site is the most varied and fun site, and i appreciate the comments guys...thanks!
well said skaterhater mememnto and moderman
Wasn't it the signature line from "The Dead Poets Society"?
GUYS - it was NOT OMF42. Anyone can post as that name and it was just someone sending you on a wild goose chase.
We proved it by posting as that name and it let us with no problems.
Just because you can post as him doesn't mean that it ISN'T him posting. I'm not saying it's a clue, but it could be. you never know.
Why are people getting so mad about speculation? That's what lost is all about. Somtimes things are clues, sometimes they're not. Whatever, everybody needs to chill out.
"Can anyone adjust the colour levels in the pic to change it to red, as the phrase Carpe Diem is also an anagram for "A red pic me" "
Uhm? You guys ... seriously ...
Well yeah, I agree with you on that one, lol.
I posted a color change to red
i dont see anything here... i think the previous comments were meant for the stegosaurus pic.. not the one with the chat
sorry croucher meant the stego image, not the screen from the chat. was a missunderstanding i suppose
See page 42 from "Our Mutual Friend" written by Charles Dickens.
i can't find an online version with page numbers, just one with chapters.
what does it say?
Of course we know "Our Mutual Friend" because it has some importance for Desmond: http://lostpedia.com/wiki/Our_Mutual_Friend
if you want to check on page 42 than it is probably in the last installment, since the last installment had the double amount of pages and all the previous 18 installments had 32 pages. The book is actually on Project Gutenberg for free but there are no pagenumbers.
I'm with Doc on this one...you didn't know what Carpe Diem meant? And you thought shading it red would reveal something?
I have fun reading all the speculation posts on here, but I have to agree with Doc on this one. If this was some chat where you had to register a screen name, and the screen name was registered by some official address from the ARG, it would be different!
Still fun though, keep up the good work guys!
Carpe Diem = Epic Dream
not that this has any meaning to me
Where did this ourmutualfriend42 guy come from? Why is this the first post about him? What? Where? When? How? I'm confused...
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