Thanks to Rafaella for the info.
Our team has been working for a long time and until now we didn't have any solid evidence to prove our thoughts. Now we have this poem. A simple clue that gave us the evidence we needed to send you this.

Ok, until that everybody's got it ...
Considering the cardinal points on the Maxwell Group's compass, we've figured the coordinates should be inverted, putting East on West and West on East. Making this process, the coordinates took us to Rotuma Island, on the north of Fiji. We assumed, then, that Rotuma Island would be Lost's island. Or some island near that one ..
According to 815's pilot, the plane returned to land in Fiji, and the Black Rock went in direction of the east of Papua New Guinea, so everything leads to Rotuma. Christiane I, according to our theory, must be on the opposite side of Rotuma, because its using the usual coordinates.
To make our theory even more plausible, Rotuma is composed by two islands. One should be the main island and the smaller one, the place where Dharma's hydra station is located.
Today's Walt Whitman poem, "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer", in our belief, turned it all clear when talked about astronomy. To finalize, as we discovered, the astronomers' compass is inverted, just like Maxwell's.
So, that's our theory ...again, for the consideration of all the players and fans.
Source: Find815
Interesting theory. It might also explain Talbot's statement to Sam that he wouldn't find what he's looking for (with those coordinates).
could be but isn't the island populated,i think the lost island is fictitious or maybe a bit more remote
From Wiki
The first known European sighting of Rotuma was in 1791, when Captain Edward Edwards and the crew of the HMS Pandora landed in search of sailors who had disappeared following the Mutiny on the Bounty.
A favorite of whaling ships in need of reprovisioning, in the mid-nineteenth century Rotuma became a haven for runaway sailors, some of whom were escaped convicts. Some of these deserters married local women and contributed their genes to an already heterogeneous pool; others met violent ends, eportedly at one another's hands.
I do not agree exactly:
1 - Lost island cannot be seen
2 - Rotuma island doesn't have a volcano
3 - there is no logic how exactly coordinates we have point to Rotuma. I would rather say Lost island is located at -11.1784, -112.2363 (East/West inverted)
4) It seems to ignore entirely the Sundra Trench
5) Most importantly, there are a heck of a lot more than two islands there, and even counting the two land masses, they aren't the right size. The second island was the size of Alcatraz. It's understandable you don't comprehend what that means since you aren't American, but Alcatraz is no bigger than a large shopping center or two - its tiny. Thus, the relative size of the two islands fully contradicts and refutes your theory. Nice try though!
spooky you picked the best bits from wiki, what about the indigenous people who live there,maybe they have four toes!
We assumed, then, that Rotuma Island would be Lost's island. Or some island near that one ..
1- How do you know that ? Maybe what won´t be able to see are the radars and sonar
2- what´s the prove about in LOST "TV" serie have a vulcan ? do you see that in what chapter ????season what ???
So please people before talk, lets read
if you mean vulcan = volcano ??
then it was discussed in the dharma flashback
ODI, I was wondering how did you invert E/W with the coordinates in order to obtain Rotuma Island? I mean...i tried typing "112.2363 -11.1784" simply inverting longitude with latitude...but that is not obviously the right method, cause it points me again to the same known point in front of the Sunda Trench!
Some answers please... ;)
on the Lost island THERE IS a volcano ,the autors theirselves talked about it and about ...
I can't say more,it will be spoiler
ps coringa relax,take it easy(:D)
it's only a game!
Isn't the others village inside of an old volcano?
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This has merit in the fact that it confirms the pilot's story before he was ripped out of the plane.
I became extremely curious with this after Naomi said the plane was found off the coast of Bali.
So I took the information provided in the show and put this little map together...
They turned back to land in Fiji, they were a thousand miles off course, so there is no way the plane could be in Bali unless time on the plane stopped and the earth rotated for a period before time regained on the plane.
According to Wikipedia, Rotuma is a volcano. Also-see the link to "the land has eyes" It also says the land has teeth-AND KNOWS THE TRUTH. The video looks to show the islands to be about the same ditance from each other as do the islands on lost. Also, the video production contact is in Honolulu Hawaii. Interesting.
coringa its hard to understand you but if that island is populated its not a very remote area,
don't call people blind when you can't even spell and read read its nickelback
After I read all that was said in this post, I´ve decieded to write something, ´cos I think somepeople doesn´t know how to separate ARG from real life. First oall I have to advise all of you, that making theorys more acceptable or not, doesn´t make anyone of us more richer or smatter. And this endless fight against each other everytime that´s a new theory doesn´t help either. I think that if everyone could listen a litlle more all the critics and others stop to not agree with everything ´cos takes this game to a competition level (what I think it´s a ridiculous thing!!!!) this could be a better place to make our efforts been added up, and we could finally help Sam (the boy that doesn´t care for his mother!!!!!!lol)
"nickelback100" is right ?
please post your theory... I´m waiting here.
I am a little confused as to how E and W were switched. I found -11.1784, 112.2363 on google earth, right clicked, selected "get info" (to see the DMS notation) changed the E to a W and then copied and pasted. GEarth took me to somewhere in the Pacific completely unrelated to Rotuma. Can anyone clear this up?
I'm a little confused also, because on Wikipedia the coordinates for Rotuma are : 12°30′42″S, 177°51′9″E.
And when I convert -11.1784, 112.2363 to DMS and change the E to W I get: 11°10'42.24"S, 112°14'10.68"W (not the coordinates of Rotuma).
I have a theory similar to this, but it points to an area with no marked islands. If you form a triangle between Sidney and the line he drew on google maps that is the basic idea. It also incorperates the 15 degree error on the maxwell compass, and the turn around to Fiji. I think they will find flight 815, and the black rock in Sunda Trench. When Micheal shows up alive, the searchers realize that there are two flight 815s, and more importantly to the maxwell group, another Black Rock that they can take from. Anyways, I've got to fix my coordinates on the map to make it clear to everyone and post it up soon.
yea i dont think it would be an island that is so widely known about, i'm from ireland and one of our biggest sportsmen is from there, the island will be a ficticious one, it is fiction after all!!
Ya i definitely don't agree with the whole 'Rotuma is The Island' theory...i think most of the reasons are listed above but just to clarify:
1) Daemon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse both said that the island was visible only twice, as far as we know of, and that was when Oceanic Flight 815 crashed and when the Swan station imploded, releasing the electro-magnetic pressure it was corking, again something discussed by the two head writers (Season Three Extras DVD).
2) Naomi clearly said they had been told the coordinates for the Island , had flown there for a very long time, found nothing but barren ocean and then, as she describes it, the "Clouds opened up, and I saw land."
And now the big whopper, the 'OMG how can this even be a serious theory' reason.
3) ROTUMA IS A REAL PLACE. YOU CAN GO THERE. YOU CAN SPEND A WEEKEND THERE. PEOPLE LIVE THERE. WE KNOW WHERE IT IS, ITS HISTORY, AND WHATS HAPPENED TO IT. The last time I checked, we cant go to The Island, so why would the writers put it there? Your theory is uncredible to the simplest degree. Its common sense now....just commmon sense.
Yo Nickelba(ba)ck !!!
And what about you...
Fala portugues ?
Habla epañol ?
Vous parlais français ?
Parla italiano ?
If you can't understand what the "Coringa" (that means JOCKER, by the way) said...
Maybe the problem is you and your knowledge of your home language... Not his (Coringa's)... speaking (or typing) a foreing one...
Less brotha... Less... Time to turn your "key" maybe... 108:00...
Do not criticize the person... Use dialetics to turn the idea down !!!
Cheers !!!
By the way Coringa... You overreacted...
Calma guri !!! Segura a onda bixo !!!
Nice theory. You guys should remember what Matthew Fox said a few weeks ago: we should ask ourselves not only where or what is the island, but WHEN is the island. Rotuma a few hundred years ago? Maybe... or not. I just think time has a vital role on LOST.
J.G you miss my point i only criticized him because he had a go at me.
I was only referring to the island not the location the island is in, and yet he told me to read
me and my knowledge of my home language why, because i couldn't understand what he was saying,thats rich since he insulted me
coringa i think the island is fictitious but located somewhere in the mid pacific,thats it,it wasn't criticism just my opinion
If you want to have a go at that feel free
People who can't bear any criticism should not post anything publicly. Period.
And yes, in The man behind the courtain there is a very clear flashback in the school where they have the volcano-experiment and the teacher says there is that volcano on the island.
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