Check out the coordinates on Google Earth sky view. Points to a place in the constellation of Antinous from the Cassini overlay. Coincidently he only has 4 toes.
Theres a giant eye shaped nebula nearby, and a galaxy called "Barnard". Aquila flies above: Hurley bird? Soooo much to research at the moment. Hope that helps.
(Click to Enlarge)

Source: Opium
Could explain why the compass from the maxwell site is an astromical (sp) one!!
One thing to debunk myself: if those coordinates were meant to be on his foot, you'd think they would've made them spot on his foot not off to the side.
Interesting where it says Hadrian ordered Antinous statues be constructed all around the empire. No further link to four toes though at all as far as i can see. I couldn't get a reason for why Cassini painted this with four toes... might have to resort to a visit to an actual library!
The antinous info is quite interesting though. Probably a dead end at this stage without any futher evidence...
nice theory. it seems that the game, especially now with the poem by Whitman, wants to lead us to the observation of the sky. if I remember correctly last week there was a user (maybe OMF42) in chat writing "look behind the sky" (when all of us where engaged in analysising the bali ad and the steg picture).. maybe it was a clue.
if you look back at the hidden file pic of sam's laptop, compare the wallpaper with this 'obsolete' constellation grouping... do some rotating and inverting... it seems very close, considering that one pic is abstract art and the other is a very old drawing... i'm thinking these stars may be in the same sky... behind sam's emails etc. the main thin line of sam's seems to emulate the large line in the antinous/aquila.
I wonder,in all that is Lost, if Aaron has only 4 toes.
ANTINOUS is an anagram of ANTONIUS (as in Helgus Antonius).
Antinous was deified and became associated with the Egyptian god Osiris, which may be the real point of this clue.
The story of Hadrian and Antinous parallels that of Zeus and Ganymede. For various reasons, I theorized that Tom Brennan's son Connor represented Ganymede, who was a beautiful young shepherd abducted by Zeus in eagle form. One of the photos on Tom's refrigerator is quite striking when compared to the constellation Antinous, and the Ganymede story:
(The rest of my speculation about Connor can be found at )
These are using the coordinates Sam has right? Not the ones from Team Brazil's theory?
On Wikipedia it says nothing about 4 toes...
and the statues i find seem to have 5 toes.
another thing is, time is a factor in what constellations are above the coordinates at any one time...
Does anyone know anything about the time that the google sky is set to?? Like, is this some historically accepted point that they've locked all the stars at? Is this just arbitrary?
If it IS arbitrary... then it would seem unlikely that they'd use it in the ARG
I forgot that The Earth is spinning, so this constellation wouldn't be above this point at all times of the year. I'm assuming if you used Google Earth that that's what is above that coordinate right now.
@thomasriekki - Because the Earth is spinning, every object in the sky besides things like comets, planets, moons and asteroids have coordinates that remain pretty much the same. Except, instead of Latitude and Longitude, we use declination and right ascension. If you look at any star chart, each star, constellation, nebulae, galaxy, etc. is going to have coordinates.
How do we know where to look, you might ask? We first need to know what time it is and where we are on Earth. Once we know that, we then use altitude and azimuth to find out where an object with the specific coordinates is in the night sky (if it happens to be above the horizon).
Hope this clears things up.
This is my first comment here, but you were talking about 4 toed statues, and I found this reference to four toes:
It mentions that the statue of the guardian of the north is standing on a creature with four toes, which shows that it is a demon, and not a human. Thought that was interesting. Thank you.
ok, so here goes nothin'. I've been afraid to speculate too much but given the bizarre nature of so many of these clues...I'm no longer afraid. Plus, it's just plain fun.
So, the numbers from Sun's pic if put into RA (right ascension) and Dec (declination) in google sky view, it lands you on the cheek of Virgo, the Virgin. This is funny because as we all know, Sun is no virgin but also may call to mind the Virgin Mary statues. So many tie ins, it's hard to know where to begin...but the coordinate is on the symbol "pi" for "Pi Virginis" but...
1. Aronofsky, director of "Pi", was supposed to direct Episode "?", a great episode where we learn of a miraculous incident involving the resurrected drowning daughter of Richard Malkin, self-pronounced psychic fraud (the miracle was investigated by Mr. Eko, carrier of the Virgin Mary statues). Ana-Lucia and Libby are also shot in the episode.
2. Virgo is the sign for those born 8-23 to 9-22. harhar
3. Could it be that we can expect another drowning victim miracle and expect Charlie to return? Just a theory...
4. Pi is also an ancient Egyptian sign used in the tau, a hieroglyph meaning "holy or sacred gate/opening"--make of that what you will. The number 72 is associated with it as well.
Anyway, so there ya go...May mean nothing, could just be helpful hints not necessarily clue to 815 flight being found. But, it was fun to research. Cheers!
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