DarkUFO reader Vanessa has solved the password for the stegosaurus.png image we've been racking our brains over for the past week or so. The image of the arrows and number signs apparently lead to this brilliant discovery by Vanessa. She used the number signs to input the braille equivelants and she used the arrows to determine whether a letter should be lower case or upper case. The password for the file is: X4x98adf09
Entering that password reveals a file which contains binary:
The binary translates into the title of the poem When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer by Walt Whitman (1819–1892). The poem is as follows:
When I heard the learn’d astronomer; When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me; When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them; When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
here is the poem: WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer; When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me; When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them; When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer by Walt Whitman, collected in Leaves of Grass, published in 1900.
WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer; When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me; When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them; When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
In a way, this is a return to the Science vs. Faith argument of Season 2...clues to those who stay and those who get off the island?
When I heard the learn'd astronomer; When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me; When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them; When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; Till rising and gliding out, I wander'd off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars.
from my guess (his titanic force) you can get the word oceanic in an anagram.. but im lost after that.... i used a babel fish to translate.. probably not so reliable
The fact that "Titan of Power" was in greek leads me to believe that we are talking about one of Gaia's children - the female Titanides Themis who represent natural law (order) - on which John Locke based many philosophies.
Just a couple of comments, because I've had a theory about the show that involves Greek mythology for a long time now ( http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/lostdogon/ ):
Look up the story of Rhea giving Cronus the wrapped-up stone, which Cronus thought was his son Zeus. He ate the stone, as he had eaten all his previous children. When Cronus is forced to vomit up the stone, it falls to Earth (a meteorite) and is known as the navel of the world.
I think the Oceanic logo may represent Saturn and its 18 named moons. I think Rose and Bernard represent Rhea and Cronus. Note the *numerous* references to rocks and stones on the show, especially *throwing* rocks. Remember the plot of "SOS" and all those rocks. Cronus is associated with TIME. Remember "Catch a Falling Star." That song may be a clue to the island's origin (that is, the island is a piece of a star that fell to Earth and landed in the sea).
I happen to think the star is Sirius, but that brings in Vincent and a whole other story... :)
I'm not suggesting this has anything to do with Saturn or one of it's moons.
I'm connecting the dots that when I see τιτάνιο του δύναμη it makes me think of the Greek TITANs - the children of Uranus (heaven) and Gaia (earth)
And the Titan that resonates the most with the show for me is Themis who represents Natural Law (law of nature).
When I read the poem by Whitman I then think of the friction between science view of nature vs our natural instinctive view of nature.
And that leads me to think of John Locke (in the show) vs. Jack as they represent those two views.
And then when I think about the historic figure John Locke it reminds me that he used the notion of natural law in many of his liberal theories.
And then I think of James Maxwell and his attempt to explain nature in his paper On Physical Lines of Force...
And then I start to think about ley lines and that reminds me of the article Dowsing Down Under -Search for Grid Point 44 (Pauline Roberts, Sydney Australia) where they talk about a symbol of two circles with a line through it (Maxwell logo) and cave drawings of serpent like figures (Maxwell logo) connected to energy flow. There is also talk about cave drawings with four toed footprints running up cliff faces - where local tribes claim they were made in creation times by mythical "serpent men".
When you start talking about "serpent men," you're in Sirius territory, with the Dogon creation myth and the Nommo. (Other cultures, including the Greeks and Sumerians, also have fish-men stories.)
Oh great Vanessa, Daniel lays out some ideas that make my head explode and now your saying we may be barking up the wrong tree(another Sirius pun)!! Namaste
I think the key thing from all of this is that you never really know if it is the "real" OMF so at the very least the leads need to be explored. My apologies to the people working on the braille solution, I really felt after this weekend that it had been fleshed out. With 2 weeks left in the game we may still go through 2 or 3rounds before we reach the final solution but just as in this puzzle the solution was there we just didn't have the proper context to put it in (just the way our friends at Hoodlum want it I'm sure.) And once again awesome job Vanessa.
I am strongly thinking "Vanessa" is an insider. First she "Discovers" that the arrows were to be applied to the steg pasword. Second she is the only one I know that used "x" as the first character, instead of "with" which was everyones consensus. Third she gave us the "Clue" about the red lights and the letters in the plotter puzzle.
No guys...I was there working in parallel with Vanessa last night, this is what happened:
OMF posted a comment (and then mention it in the chat later) like "For your troubles: Braille AOE". AOE is the Braille font (which obviously had the X exactly as the first video braille character!) used by Vanessa to find out the correct password for openstego. Then (just to pump up my self as well ;)) I discovered first the right translation of the README.TXT which lead to the Whitman poem!
I stand corrected. I think it would be safe to assume that any additional fonts/symbol decryptions are going to be done with font sets from dafont.com?
I have an additional question: in the beginning of this steg hacking process, we tried README.txt as a password. Someone suggested that? Who and why and how did they come up with that particular suggestion? (cause it's the filename of the hidden file)
Was it someone from the inside? Or the maker of the stego program?
I thought this was interesting walt whitman has a poem called "MANNAHATTA" (it is about Manhattan) given the unanswered Manhattan clue in the ring box and the lyrics of thie poem it might be a clue or just a interesting coincidnce.
Wesh, the guy you are looking for is thebruce. See this http://find815.blogspot.com/2008/01/mystery-comments-lead-to-new-clues.html#comment-2654254606532996653
Hi there, back to this Greek sentence… As isid said, the sentence is wrong and has no direct meaning. I follow the trend that it may has something to do with mythology or planets but, as a second thought, I would like to post that “τιτάνιο” also is the translation of the element “Titanium” with atomic #22 and weight 47.88 g/mol (if this gives any sense).
I am not quite sure where the orginal greek statement is but from the greek I know - which is more of the biblical variety - that phrase could probably be rendered "powerful titan" or "titan of power"
If we combined that with what the the whitman poem tells us to do (i.e. look up)shouldn't we be looking for a constellation say hercules?
Sorry I'm a little slow :P I get how she knew which were upper and lower cases...but where did the numbers come from? with d x i h a d f j i Wasn't that the original braille line (and let's say the with = x on dafonts) OHHH just got it lol..I think the post needs to be a little clearer...but anyways, how did she assume 10 for j would be 0? :P
"Drey called Whitman a titan, a swinger of the torch, a universal man and a prophet. Carl Albert Lange also dedicated a poem to Whitman in which he likened the poet to the image of a giant, whose words cloak the earth. And according to Lange, in these words are the seeds to everything, to cosmic connectedness."
After trying every possibility for the braille with many Station 12 buddies, I was kinda workin on it in the chat Sun still. Vlad and I were going over the relevance of OMF's comment "For your troubles: Braille AOE". We looked up Braille AOE, which ia just another version of Braille, see here: http://www.dafont.com/braille-aoe.font
According to AOE, the first sign is a capital X.
I personally never loaded the Stego program and just rambled off different passwords every now and then, grateful that someone was always willing to try them.
So when I saw the image of the arrows and number signs it hit me right away that it was the password.
I counted the number of arrows/signs and it equaled the number of Braille characters. With the AOE the only capital letter would be the first X. The only arrow facing up was the first arrow. And the number signs stood for, well you get the pic.
So where was this "For your troubles: Braille AOE" published? Half of OMF's posts are not cited anywhere. Maybe you can explain where he is posting and people won't think you are a plant. Or maybe they will, even more. ;)
Translation of the file (Its in Binary) Reads:
56 32 68 6c 62 69 42 4a 49 45 68 6c 59 58 4a 6b 49 46 52 6f 5a 53 42 4d 5a 57 46 79 62 69 64 6b 49 45 46 7a 64 48 4a 76 62 6d 39 74 5a 58 49 3d
It leads us to Walt Whitman's poem "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer".
XEnigmaX decoded the binary to text (binary > hex > base64 > text):
"When I heard the learn’d astronomer"
Brilliant! Congrats Vanessa!
amanda, how does this lead us there?
I heard that OMF42 had been around and posted that astronomer line. Could it be he helped us again?
goooood!! Vanessa you are great!
Ok, I got every letter in the PW except for the first one. how did that translate to X? And what doe sthe binary mean?
here is the poem:
WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
The full poem:
WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer by Walt Whitman, collected in Leaves of Grass, published in 1900.
WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
In a way, this is a return to the Science vs. Faith argument of Season 2...clues to those who stay and those who get off the island?
Text of "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer":
When I heard the learn'd astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and
measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much
applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander'd off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars.
LOL - how was that for collective thought. Good job everyone that just copy/pasted the whole poem at the same time.
This is the most recent OMF comment if anyone can translate it?
OurMutualFriend42: τιτάνιο του power
Thank you everyone for your hard work on all this. You all deserve PIE!
seem written in greek (and that's serious)
Titan of the POWER
Chocolate pie? :oD
vanessa, I love you and want to marry you! My wife may disagree, but...
Well, I'm also seeing "Titanic" come up now...
J.g. is that the translation? I tryed Italian and Latin and came up with nothing
PPL... It means...
!!! Titan of the power !!!
Titanic power.
Power of a titan.
For google "τιτάνιο του power" is "Titan of power"
OurMutualFriend42: τιτάνιο του ...I got "Ower Titanic"???
Check it out:
"PPL... It means...
!!! Titan of the power !!!
Its direct translation is "titanic power."
Trying to confirm as we speak.
Plus, titan of the power makes no sense.
Nice work j.g.! On to the next mystery: what does "titan of the power" mean?
τιτάνιο του δύναμη
his titanic force
anyone actually speak greek? it's all greek to me. hardy har...
According to google, τιτάνιο του δύναμη is "titanium strength."
maybe it refers to that foot from the show
As well, where did this comment originate? I'm not seeing the original OMF comment anywhere...
from my guess (his titanic force) you can get the word oceanic in an anagram.. but im lost after that....
i used a babel fish to translate.. probably not so reliable
Translating τιτάνιο του I got Titanic His
together τιτάνιο του power=Titanic Power
That explanation of how you got to "the learn'd astronmer" had me stumped there for a while. Personally i would've said:
Take the text from readme.txt and convert from binary to text
Take that text and convert from hex in to text
Take text and convert from base64 in to text
Text is revealed to be "When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer"
Titan is a moon of the planet Saturn and it has NO magnetic field!! Hmmmmm.
i have to say that was fun! nice work figuring out the arrows.
The Poem says look to the stars so maybe something in google earth-skyview??
Okay so maybe I'm on to something with Titan being a moon of Saturn with NO MAGNETIC FIELD!! Magnetism seems to be a theme in the game!
The fact that "Titan of Power" was in greek leads me to believe that we are talking about one of Gaia's children - the female Titanides Themis who represent natural law (order) - on which John Locke based many philosophies.
Daniel, the Greek god that is associated with Saturn is Cronus. He is the son of Uranus and Gaia.
Wow noones anywhere yet. Use "eternallost" suggestion... look in google earth and compare to ancient astronomical map.
Theres a really sweet nebula that looks like an eye nearby. Plus a galaxy called "Barnards Galaxy".
And oo look who's got four toes!!
Just a couple of comments, because I've had a theory about the show that involves Greek mythology for a long time now ( http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/lostdogon/ ):
Look up the story of Rhea giving Cronus the wrapped-up stone, which Cronus thought was his son Zeus. He ate the stone, as he had eaten all his previous children. When Cronus is forced to vomit up the stone, it falls to Earth (a meteorite) and is known as the navel of the world.
I think the Oceanic logo may represent Saturn and its 18 named moons. I think Rose and Bernard represent Rhea and Cronus. Note the *numerous* references to rocks and stones on the show, especially *throwing* rocks. Remember the plot of "SOS" and all those rocks. Cronus is associated with TIME. Remember "Catch a Falling Star." That song may be a clue to the island's origin (that is, the island is a piece of a star that fell to Earth and landed in the sea).
I happen to think the star is Sirius, but that brings in Vincent and a whole other story... :)
I'm not suggesting this has anything to do with Saturn or one of it's moons.
I'm connecting the dots that when I see τιτάνιο του δύναμη it makes me think of the Greek TITANs - the children of Uranus (heaven) and Gaia (earth)
And the Titan that resonates the most with the show for me is Themis who represents Natural Law (law of nature).
When I read the poem by Whitman I then think of the friction between science view of nature vs our natural instinctive view of nature.
And that leads me to think of John Locke (in the show) vs. Jack as they represent those two views.
And then when I think about the historic figure John Locke it reminds me that he used the notion of natural law in many of his liberal theories.
And then I think of James Maxwell and his attempt to explain nature in his paper On Physical Lines of Force...
And then I start to think about ley lines and that reminds me of the article Dowsing Down Under -Search for Grid Point 44 (Pauline Roberts, Sydney Australia) where they talk about a symbol of two circles with a line through it (Maxwell logo) and cave drawings of serpent like figures (Maxwell logo) connected to energy flow. There is also talk about cave drawings with four toed footprints running up cliff faces - where local tribes claim they were made in creation times by mythical "serpent men".
When you start talking about "serpent men," you're in Sirius territory, with the Dogon creation myth and the Nommo.
(Other cultures, including the Greeks and Sumerians, also have fish-men stories.)
as a reminder it was in the chat room - so might not be real. I was just curious to the translation in case it was
help anyone?
i got to http://www.find815.com/steg/stegosaurus.png but where do i put in the password?
Oh great Vanessa, Daniel lays out some ideas that make my head explode and now your saying we may be barking up the wrong tree(another Sirius pun)!!
I think the key thing from all of this is that you never really know if it is the "real" OMF so at the very least the leads need to be explored. My apologies to the people working on the braille solution, I really felt after this weekend that it had been fleshed out. With 2 weeks left in the game we may still go through 2 or 3rounds before we reach the final solution but just as in this puzzle the solution was there we just didn't have the proper context to put it in (just the way our friends at Hoodlum want it I'm sure.) And once again awesome job Vanessa.
Maybe the island, is the island where apollo was born...
Guys check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/23130462@N08/
τιτάνιο του δύναμη doesn't make gramatically sense. I am from greek. If it was meant to say Titanic power it should be saying: Τιτάνια δύναμη.
Propably a greek guy who want's to have fun.
BTW vanessa, in the password, how this X came from?
Great Summary Congested and well done Vanessa!
Brilliant work.
great job all involved with this whole process....and big props to vanessa for cracking the code...!!
vanessa FTW ;)
Ok, call me cynical, but there's no way that she could derived an x from the first braille character in the video. An x would look like this:
* *
* *
The code we had was this:
* *
* *
I think Vanessa was planted here and is covering the rear of someone who f*ed up the braille in the video.
I agree with forensicoo7
I must say i agree also. Where the hell did that first 'X' come from????
Mmmmmm wierd...
I am strongly thinking "Vanessa" is an insider.
First she "Discovers" that the arrows were to be applied to the steg pasword. Second she is the only one I know that used "x" as the first character, instead of "with" which was everyones consensus.
Third she gave us the "Clue" about the red lights and the letters in the plotter puzzle.
She knows too much...
yup, i'm also agreed with forensicoo untill vanessa explained how she worked out X
She used the Braille AOE Fonts
Maybe,, she's one of "THE OTHERS"..
Juliet i would say :D
cypher80b - it's seems you are right
this is Braile AOE fonts http://www.dafont.com/braille-aoe.font and this is 'X' and not 'with'
No guys...I was there working in parallel with Vanessa last night, this is what happened:
OMF posted a comment (and then mention it in the chat later) like "For your troubles: Braille AOE".
AOE is the Braille font (which obviously had the X exactly as the first video braille character!) used by Vanessa to find out the correct password for openstego.
Then (just to pump up my self as well ;)) I discovered first the right translation of the README.TXT which lead to the Whitman poem!
I stand corrected. I think it would be safe to assume that any additional fonts/symbol decryptions are going to be done with font sets from dafont.com?
God, I'm confused. But whatever, I'm glad it finally was figured out!
Could the 4 toed statue be a titan that islanders worshipped way back when
I have an additional question: in the beginning of this steg hacking process, we tried README.txt as a password. Someone suggested that? Who and why and how did they come up with that particular suggestion? (cause it's the filename of the hidden file)
Was it someone from the inside? Or the maker of the stego program?
I thought this was interesting walt whitman has a poem called "MANNAHATTA" (it is about Manhattan) given the unanswered Manhattan clue in the ring box and the lyrics of thie poem it might be a clue or just a interesting coincidnce.
ah nevermind. It appears the filename wasnt encrypted, so they were able to find that out. Allright, i can live with that :)
I was also wondering where is the "X" from, but this guys are obviously using dafont.com for everything :D
Wesh, the guy you are looking for is thebruce. See this http://find815.blogspot.com/2008/01/mystery-comments-lead-to-new-clues.html#comment-2654254606532996653
true that! thanks bolivar!
the bruce this some nice detective work there, definitly broke the way open for what followed.
Hi there, back to this Greek sentence…
As isid said, the sentence is wrong and has no direct meaning. I follow the trend that it may has something to do with mythology or planets but, as a second thought, I would like to post that “τιτάνιο” also is the translation of the element “Titanium” with atomic #22 and weight 47.88 g/mol (if this gives any sense).
I am not quite sure where the orginal greek statement is but from the greek I know - which is more of the biblical variety - that phrase could probably be rendered "powerful titan" or "titan of power"
If we combined that with what the the whitman poem tells us to do (i.e. look up)shouldn't we be looking for a constellation say hercules?
Sorry I'm a little slow :P
I get how she knew which were upper and lower cases...but where did the numbers come from?
with d x i h a d f j i
Wasn't that the original braille line (and let's say the with = x on dafonts)
OHHH just got it lol..I think the post needs to be a little clearer...but anyways, how did she assume 10 for j would be 0? :P
"Drey called Whitman a titan, a swinger of the torch, a universal man and a prophet. Carl Albert Lange also dedicated a poem to Whitman in which he likened the poet to the image of a giant, whose words cloak the earth. And according to Lange, in these words are the seeds to everything, to cosmic connectedness."
Maybe I am one of the Others......
OK - Step by step explanation:
After trying every possibility for the braille with many Station 12 buddies, I was kinda workin on it in the chat Sun still. Vlad and I were going over the relevance of OMF's comment "For your troubles: Braille AOE". We looked up Braille AOE, which ia just another version of Braille, see here:
According to AOE, the first sign is a capital X.
I personally never loaded the Stego program and just rambled off different passwords every now and then, grateful that someone was always willing to try them.
So when I saw the image of the arrows and number signs it hit me right away that it was the password.
I counted the number of arrows/signs and it equaled the number of Braille characters. With the AOE the only capital letter would be the first X. The only arrow facing up was the first arrow. And the number signs stood for, well you get the pic.
But if you think I am an Other...
So where was this "For your troubles: Braille AOE" published? Half of OMF's posts are not cited anywhere. Maybe you can explain where he is posting and people won't think you are a plant. Or maybe they will, even more. ;)
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